How to be PRO in Free Fire

Hello everyone! How are they? Today I bring you some tips, tricks and new strategies to improve and raise your level in Free Fire.


If you are consistent and follow these tips, you will become a Pro in no time.

how to be pro in free fire squad duel
how to be pro in free fire squad duel

How to improve and be PRO in Free Fire

Learn to use new weapons

One of the most important tips is that you do not limit yourself to always using the same weapon, like the Scar. While this is a good option, there are plenty of other weapons in the game that can be just as effective.

try new weapons, both short-range and long-range, and familiarize yourself with them. This will help you adapt to different situations and face different enemies.

Change your control settings

It is essential that you experiment with different control configurations. Playing with a control setup that suits your style of play will allow you to improve your accuracy and response speed.

I recommend start with at least three fingers, since most expert players use this setting.

Take advantage of the weekend rooms

Do not miss out on the free rooms that are offered during the weekends. Use them to play PvP matches with your friends and practice new techniques.

These friendly games will allow you to learn new strategies and develop faster and more effective skills.

Also, I recommend you play at least one quick match before entering a ranked match with your team, to warm up and make sure you are prepared.

play without attributes

If you're wondering why so many skilled players seem to have flawless aim, it's because they play without attributes.

Unlike older players, who started playing when attributes didn't exist, they have learned to master weapons without relying on these perks.

I recommend you play without attributes to improve your skill and master weapons by yourself.

This will also allow you to better understand the rate and burst of each weapon, which is critical to success in the game.

Try new sensibilities

If you feel like you're not hitting your shots, you may need to adjust the sensitivity of your controls.

You don't need to copy other players' sensitivities, but if you find you're not getting good results, try adjusting your settings.

Remember that you should not turn up the sensitivity too much, since it could hinder your stability when aiming. Find a balance that allows you to improve and be more precise.

And that's it! If you follow these tips and tricks, I'm sure you will improve your level in Free Fire.

Learn to be a Pro in Free Fire Ranked Duel

Now I am going to share some secret tricks so that you can reach the rank of Heroic in Free Fire. If you become a grandmaster, you will be considered an excellent player.

Don't rush at first

Often times, early in the game, it's tempting to jump right into the action. However, it is important to be cautious in the first two rounds.

If you see that you are losing, activate "crack mode" and focus on improving your aim.

Don't be too hasty and I would recommend moving to the left rather than the right as most players tend to go that way. Surprise them and start winning!

use the campfire

Although there are other options such as walls and grenades, the campfire has become an essential element.

It is especially useful in Squad Duels, as it helps you heal faster during the clashes. Just light the campfire and don't get out of its radius.

scare your enemies

A good set of clothes can be intimidating to enemy players. It doesn't matter if you are a veteran or not, there are different outfit options to look great.

Also, try to make your shots accurate and consistent from the start. This will create fear in your opponents and force them to adopt a more defensive strategy.

Manage your coins

Coins are important in the game, especially in the beginning. Don't spend all your coins on weapons at the start of the game.

If you win early on, you will have a financial advantage over your opponents and you will be able to buy better weapons.

Remember that some players will only be able to afford weaker weapons, giving you a distinct advantage.

Play as a team

Get organized with your teammates and split your strategy. Two players can go to the left, two to the right or even all go to the center together.

This will allow them eliminate enemy players faster, especially to those who are constantly changing positions.

By working as a team, you can increase your kill history and earn more stars.

I hope these tips will be useful for you to become a Pro in the Free Fire Ranked Duel. Remember to apply them in your games and practice to improve your game. Good luck!

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